What is water?

The water we drink has been around as long as the earth. Water just keeps changing its place and shape. Sometimes water is ice, sometimes water is rain and sometimes water is your thirst quencher. Water vapor and clouds in the sky are also water. The appearance of water depends on the temperature of the water.

Water is the most important substance that can be found on the earth. Life would not have been possible without water. The human body even consists of 70% water. Water is therefore also called the source of life. It is the most abundant and the most researched substance in the world.

The composition of the tap water in the Netherlands is very good. Yet there are still many substances in it, such as bacteria, hormones, drug residues, etc. that we would prefer not to ingest. The molecular structure of the water is also seriously disrupted by the way the water passes through the pipes. That is why it is important to drink and use vitalized and / or filtered water.

Officieel partner EWO

WereldWater is an official partner of manufacturer EWO in Austria. We have access to the most up-to-date information and direct contact with the manufacturer. When you buy from us, you are assured of the delivery of a reliable product and the proper handling of all your questions and guarantees.


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