Discount package: 3 EWO Vitality Filter Cartridges

Item 6 of 17
€ 119,85 € 107,85 (including VAT)

This is a discount package of 3 EWO Vitality Filter Cartridges.

These filter cartridges are for the EWO Vitality Filter. The carbon block in the filter cartridge has a membrane size of 0.45 microns. The water flow rate of the EWO Vitality Filter Cartridge is between 0.7 liters per minute and 1.7 liters per minute.

WereldWater advises to replace the filter cartridge after 4000 liters of water or after 6 months.

For more information, please contact us.

Officieel partner EWO

WereldWater is an official partner of manufacturer EWO in Austria. We have access to the most up-to-date information and direct contact with the manufacturer. When you buy from us, you are assured of the delivery of a reliable product and the proper handling of all your questions and guarantees.


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